This certificate provides a guarantee for all component parts of the furniture, excluding components manufactured by third parties (hinges, slides, accessories, etc.) All pieces of furniture are guaranteed for a period of 2 years, during which we will replace/repair the piece of furniture for defects found.
The warranty applies to:
• manufacturing/execution defects
• material defects
• hidden vices
• design defects
This warranty does not cover defects arising from other causes, such as:
• improper use of furniture:
• cuts • scratches
• storage/placing on surfaces with differences in level
• storage or use in moisture or humidity
• keeping in environments with rodents or other pests.
• improper care and maintenance of the furniture:
◦ cleaning with inappropriate substances and materials,
◦ contact with hot/dirty objects
◦ direct exposure to strong sunlight or strong incandescent light
◦ keeping moisture on the surface of the furniture
◦ exposing the furniture to excessive heat
• changes made to the furniture by third parties, other than the Manufacturer’s representatives
• changes occurring as a result of the passage of time or the normal use of the furniture
• exceptional external factors (floods, fires, earthquakes, etc.)
• differences in shades or textures of natural materials such as solid wood, veneer, etc. are not considered manufacturing defects.
It is also inevitable that the shades/colors of the replaced parts do not differ from the color of the original parts. But Excutant will do everything possible to ensure shades as close as possible to the original ones, so that the differences are as little visible or even unnoticeable. However, the performer cannot be held responsible for the differences in shades of the parts replaced at different time intervals. To avoid losing the warranty, we recommend carefully reading the furniture maintenance instructions, which are available on the website https://ekikiwoodium.ro, in printed format (when handing over the furniture) or, at the customer’s request, in electronic format, sent to a valid email address communicated by the customer.
Careful! In particular, care will be taken that the furniture is not exposed to moisture/humidity/steam or excessive heat.
To benefit from the guarantee, the customer must notify the Executor in writing at the e-mail address ekikiwoodium@gmail.com and present proof of payment and this guarantee certificate, specifying the defects found. The executor will make every effort to ensure the customer’s satisfaction by solving the customer’s request as quickly as possible as long as all the conditions set forth above are met. The approximate deadline for completing the necessary repairs will be estimated depending on the damages found and the project specifications. The manufacturer will be exonerated from any responsibility if the customer does not notify as soon as possible about the defect that has occurred or if he intervenes with his own repairs on a defect that has occurred.